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Making-Healthy-Choices e-Zine #003 - How to Have the Best Day Possible, and more
October 04, 2011
Hi <>,

(October 2011 Issue #003 -

A fr*ee monthly newsletter to inspire you to be the healthiest, most vital and vibrant version of You!

A warm welcome to the Making-Healthy-Choices e-zine... Taking the time to focus on your health is the most important thing you can do - you are worth it!

In this month's e-Zine;

"What you do today is what you do with your life" - unknown

Cleansing for Better Health

What does it mean to do a cleanse? It simply means to give your digestive system a little rest so that your body can do some other things instead of expending energy on digestion.

Yup, digestion takes a huge amount of energy and every once in a while it is nice to give your hard working digestive system a well deserved break.

You may just find that you will appreciate the extra energy and healing that can occur while cleansing.

Just as you would give your home, car, apartment etc. a good, deep cleaning every once in a while ... think of a cleanse as a periodic deep cleaning for your body.

Cleansing like this, especially in today's world full of pollution and toxins is a very important part of holistic health.

And if you have a diet and/or lifestyle that often includes less than healthy choices, cleansing becomes even more important.

So, pick a couple of days where you don't have much planned and for those 2 days choose to eat only fresh, whole, ripe, raw and organic fruits and vegetables.

And just as importantly avoid processed, packaged, refined and unnatural foods.

Use your imagination to make this fun and tasty.

During these two days, cleanse on other levels too; get outside into Nature, have time away from tv and computers, do some reading or involve yourself in a creative project.

Here is a delicious smoothie that I had recently while I was cleansing; Cherry Smoothie

  • cherries
  • banana
  • coconut water (or regular water)

Blend well and enjoy!

Cleansing can be enjoyable and fun and the benefits of doing this regularly are amazing on many levels.

There are many more ideas, tips and information on why and how to cleanse here.

Ever done a cleanse of any sort? Please share your cleansing/detox experiences here, and scroll down to look at what others have shared.

I encourage you to please share your story - your words may really inspire someone else out there in their own health journey.

Non-Toxic House Cleaning Tips - Dusting

How much money do you spend on cleaners for your home?

How many different cleaners do you have under your sink?

There are toxic and unhealthy ingredients contained in many of the cleaners sold at stores?

By making your own cleaners, you will not only save money but, you will save yourself (and your family and pets) from being exposed to dangerous chemical combinations that are potentially very damaging to your health.

We clean our entire home using only;

  • baking soda
  • lemon juice
  • vinegar
  • essential oils
  • water

For dusting the surfaces of your home use a small container of water with drops of essential oil and a lint free cloth. Soak the cloth in the water and then ring out until just slightly damp, then dust away.

Dusting Tips

Because essential oils are anti-microbial and anti-bacterial, you will not only be removing dust but you will be sanitizing as well ... and your home will smell wonderful as the air also gets purified by the essential oils.

Use the essential oil of your choosing - my favourite lately has been lemongrass oil.

I now clean my house with water and lemongrass oil. It is an amazing change. I threw away all the chemical, commercial cleaners. And I totally love the smell. I think I might try rose oil for the bedroom..kind of romantic! - Steve, Japan

For more information on this and other non-toxic house cleaning tips click here.

Here is my recommended place to buy essential oils.

How to Have the Best Day Possible

How you spend the first minutes of your day will set the stage for how the rest of your day will be.

Use these precious moments after you first awake to set yourself up for the best day possible.

Start your day with an attitude of gratitude.

When you awake, smile and think of 5 things that you are grateful for in your life.

Contemplate these things (people, places, objects, relationships, events, abilities, health, etc.) deeply and offer gratitude, thanks and blessings for their presence.

Doing this will put your entire being in a place of grateful joy which will then carry over to the rest of your day.

We may not be able to control everything that the day will bring but by starting yourself off with a great attitude you will be better equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

If you like this e-zine please share it. If it's been shared with you please subscribe to the Making-Healthy-Choices e-Zine here.

Next month: More quick and easy Holistic Health Tips and Information.

Until then, make healthy choices and be well!


Nadia Harper RHN
Holistic Nutritionist and Health Advisor
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Disclaimer: This e-zine is for educational purposes only, for the free exchange of ideas in relation to health and wellness. There is no intention to diagnose, prescribe or be a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. It is your birthright to learn and make your own choices and the author holds no responsibility for you doing so.
Copyright © 2011 All Rights Reserved

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