Having an attitude of gratitude means to live your life from the perspective of being grateful for everything that is. Your state of mind and your attitude are more important to your overall holistic health than many people may think.
I believe gratitude to be one of the strongest forces that help to keep our minds in a healthy place.
I will explore here many tips and techniques that we can use to keep our minds in that healthy place and also the many benefits of maintaining a grateful attitude.
You are What You Think
It is your beliefs, thoughts and intentions that form the basis for the words you speak, decisions you make and actions you take.
Basically, the patterns of thought that have developed in your brain affect every single thing you do in your life. Because of this, it makes sense to keep your mind in the most positive and beneficial place possible.
It is when we are in a good state of mind that we communicate well, are our most creative and make good decisions. Our state of mind and our attitude determine how we view the world.
Alleviates Suffering
Living through any situation with an attitude of gratitude can help to alleviate suffering and provide a perspective on things that is more objective and rational. It is those times when we forget gratitude that we can spin out of control with depression, regret, guilt, sorrow, anger, fear, etc.
Keeps Our Bodies Strong
Maintaining an attitude of gratitude will also help our physical body to function at a higher level and, when needed, help us to recover and heal more quickly.
It is a well known fact that a person under constant stress (physical or mental) cannot be their healthiest self. Similarly a person who lives in a state of depression, anger, regret, guilt or fear is being held back from being the healthiest version of themselves.
When you continually make gratitude part of your life it is much harder for those other feelings to get control over you. Yes, you will still get sad, depressed and angry at times but those feelings will serve their natural purpose and then leave.
Keeps Unhealthy Behaviours Away
When gratitude is neglected the way is made easier for unhealthy behaviours to arise. Things such as gossiping, being dishonest, reading tabloid magazines, watching brainless television etc. become uninteresting to a person who lives in a state of gratitude.
A person that exists with an attitude of gratitude, a person who is thankful all the time for everything in their day, knows at a deep level that every moment is to be cherished. Because they know that every moment is a gift and that every moment is precious they are much less likely to engage in behaviours that are wasteful or that do not enrich their life or the lives of those around them.
A Universal Law
What you put forth into the world will come back to you. I consider this to be a Universal Law.
Keep in mind that the energy that you put forth into the world is the energy that you are truly summoning up within you, and not always what is shown at the surface. For example, if a person walks around a room greeting people with smiles but deep down they hate being there, it is not the energy of the smiles that the Universe picks up on but rather the energy of hate underneath.
And it is the true nature of the person's attitude that will be returned to them. All the more important to make the effort to be healthy and balanced at your core and to let this shine through effortlessly rather than trying to fake it on the surface.
When you live from a place of hatred and anger you not only hurt the people you come into contact with but you hurt yourself... repeatedly and on so many levels.
When you continually project an attitude of gratitude, both inwards and outwards your life transforms in the most beautiful and positive way.
Necessary for Our Growth
We are all connected, and maintaining a bad attitude holds us all back as a species.
It is time for all of us to start feeling the bliss of knowing that everyone and everything is connected. It is time for everyone to work together towards our individual positive potentials as well as the positive potential of us as a species and an alive and vibrant planet.
We are born as naturally happy and connected beings. It is only as we grow that many of us lose sight of our own innate happiness and true connectedness to all things.
An attitude of gratitude does naturally reside somewhere within us all and with a little effort anyone can re-train themselves to live in this beautiful mind space for most, if not all, of their moments.
How to Live Every Day with an Attitude of Gratitude
Below are some great ideas to use every day. As this site grows, I will explore each of the following in more detail. Check back or subscribe to this site to know when new information has been added
I use positive quotes all the time in my life. They emphasize wonderful thoughts that help me to stay focused on having an attitude of gratitude. I have quotes written in all my journals, up on the walls in our home and all over this website.
As this site grows I will share my entire collection of quotes with you. Here is one that I love, a beautiful reminder; (Read this twice. If you forget the words, remember the essence)
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we subconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson
Do your very best to maintain an attitude of gratitude, make an effort to be that happy and balanced person that you were meant to be. You deserve to be that person and everyone around you deserves to be in the company of that person!
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