Holistic Health Resources and Links
Trusted holistic health resources and links are listed here. This
list is consciously vetted to include only ones that provide valuable
and solid information.
All links that have been mentioned throughout the text on this
site are listed here, plus some other valuable
These are all resources to provide you with further information to help you achieve your best health possible.
You are free to include a link to this site ( https://www.making-healthy-choices.com ) in your own list of resources.
Keep checking back (or subscribe to this site) as this list of resources is continually growing.
Equipment, Supplies (food, herbs, oils), Tools, etc.

Vitamix are, in my opinion, the best blenders out there for making healthy whole food and raw food creations, from an extremely reliable and dependable company.

Excalibur is, by far, the best dehydrator out there. Worth every penny! Allows you to dehydrate foods at a low temperature thereby keeping all nutrients intact.

The Raw Food World is a huge online store selling a vast variety of high quality raw foods and supplies.

Living Libations is a great company that makes a wide range of body care products that are completely natural and organic - effective and divine!

Mountain Rose Herbs is an amazing company that provides high quality herbs, essential oils and other supplies.

Amazon is a place where you can usually find any book or most any other items you are looking for.
Retreats, Healing, Inspiration
The Gabriel Method How to lose weight without dieting,
coaching programs, detox retreats, expert interviews and so much more.
Vipassana Meditation 10-day silent meditation courses all around the world.
The Inner Guru Your journey of transformation into a world of possibilities. A holistic retreat experience.
Ener-Chi Wellness Center Andreas Mortiz' site all about Natural Healing
Natural News Natural health, natural living, natural news.
Environmental Working Group (EWG) A non-profit group that uses the power of information to protect human health and the environment
Skin Deep A branch of EWG that hosts the world's largest personal care product safety guide, an online database of safety profiles for cosmetics and personal care products.
Good Guide Find safe, healthy, green & ethical products based on scientific ratings.
Non-GMO foods A great site with non-GMO shopping guides.
www.findaspring.com An online database of natural
water springs.
Check back often as this list of Holistic Health Resources is always growing.
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