Bad Breath Cure

by Rhoda Edwards
(Trinidad and Tobago)

Bad Breath Remedy

No need to feel ashamed or hide from friends and family.

  • Sea Salt
  • Peppermint Essential Oil

  • Baking Soda
  • Water
  • 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

All you need to do is get a teaspoonful of good sea salt, mix in two drops of peppermint essential oil, one teaspoon baking soda and mix together.

Brush as you would with commercial toothpaste. Rinse mouth with 1/2 cup of water and hydrogen peroxide in the ratio half water, half peroxide (3%.)

This works people!

(note from Nadia - site author)

Great idea Rhoda, thank you for sharing!!!

Always wishing you well,

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