Cancer Holistic Approach

by Lisa Wilson

Explore All Your Options

Explore All Your Options

If diagnosed with cancer, a holistic approach can go a long way.

What I wish doctors would say:

Listen, you've been diagnosed with cancer that took you years to grow in your body. We could have your breasts (or any body part) off by the end of the day tomorrow & your ovaries out on Monday, but really, what is the rush?

I want you to take 2-3 weeks with your family to consider all of your options... and there are many.

First, I would like you to read these books:

1. Cancer, Step Outside the Box
2. Outsmart Your Cancer
3. The Only Answer to Cancer
4. The Living Food
5. Cancer Free
6. Knockout
7. Adios cancer

Then I want you to watch these videos:

1. Cut, Poison & Burn
2. Cancer Free
3. The Burzynski Movie
4. Forks Over Knives
5. The Forbidden Cures
6. The Beautiful Truth
7. Run From the Cure

I want you to look into the best holistic clinics both here, in Mexico & in Europe. There are great options.... much better than our outdated system can offer you.

While there are 2, or 3 cancers that do respond to chemotherapy, for most people, it is just poison. Even if it does shrink your tumors, the chemo may result in death. In rare cases, say 10%, chemo is useful to shrink advanced cancers, just to buy time for the holistic means to work. However, it will not rebuild your cells, your body, or your immunity. In fact, usually the chemo will destroy your cells beyond repair.

If you do choose chemotherapy, you may consider IPT, or low dose chemo. This is extremely targeted & goes directly to the tumor, because it is attached to a sugar molecule. Sugar feeds cancer, so please avoid all sugars. A cancer cell has 23 times the number of sugar receptors than a normal cell. This is why IPT works. The sugar goes directly to the cancer cell & delivers the chemo to where it is needed. It is rarely used in hospitals, well..... you can imagine why. 10% of the chemo is also, just 10% of profits.

There is also plant wisdom. Plant intelligence knows how to knock out rogue cells, but keep healthy cells in tact. So while you are making your decisions, drink plenty of green juice, eat lots of salad, get some sunshine, get some fresh air, do some deep breathing, laugh, play, hug & study.

This is going to take a dramatic lifestyle change. Attend The Raw Food Institute if you don't know how to sprout, juice, eat well & cultivate health. I will be here for you & I want you to make the BEST decisions for you..... You can do this!!!!

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Jul 30, 2013
Such Beautiful Wisdom!
by: Nadia (Site Author)

Thank You Lisa!!

Thanks for sharing these beautiful words. You are right, there are many ways to approach this kind of situation.

I encourage everyone to become proactive when it comes to your own healing. Learn what is out there, read the books, watch the videos, find the healing places that will help you.

You are worth it!!

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