Detoxing - Cleansing Detox
by Queen Iawia
(Dallas, Tx)
I have detoxed my body for years and the best detox I have found is a tea. With this tea I fast for days and lose ten pounds.
I drink the detox tea twice daily. Its amazing at the amount of stool that comes out of my body.
I haven't eaten since Tuesday and have had over fourteen bowel movements. I also give myself enemas during my fast.
I plan to go to a spa today and get a massage and a mineral bath. Also am going to go into the steam rooms and sweat. I have more energy and my skin is amazingly cleaner and I feel great.
During my fast I drink a mixture of lemon juice, grade B maple syrup and either alkaline or distilled water with a pinch of cayenne pepper. I drink alkaline water in between the lemonade.
I hope this helps someone to live a healthy life. Life and death are in our colon. Today more than ever before there is an epidemic of colon cancer. People are eating and eating and nothing is coming out. You should have a minimum of three bowel movements a day and detox a minimum of four times a year with the season changes.
Once I cleanse my colon I focus on cleansing my kidney, liver, and lungs.