MAY I BE FRANK movie starring Frank Ferrante

by Nadia Harper

Meeting Frank Ferrante

Meeting Frank Ferrante

The 'May I be Frank' movie is the story of Frank Ferrante's transformation and it is truly an inspirational one. One that shows everyone that this can be done!

Yesterday we had the absolute pleasure of watching this film and then personally meeting and talking with Frank Ferrante. He is a down to Earth, candid and very funny man.

So what is Frank's story about?

Well, he was an overweight, addicted and depressed man. He had a lifestyle that was, in part or in all, what many people's lifestyle is like ... heavy processed foods, alcohol, sex and drugs.

Frank committed to embarking on a 42 day journey, a journey that would literally change his life.

With the help of the beautiful folk from Cafe Gratitude in San Francisco he was guided to a new way of eating, thinking and being. Cafe Gratitude is a raw food, organic and vegan restaurant.

This wasn't a journey that was always easy or pleasant for Frank and this movie shows it all!! Watch Frank as he moves through these 42 days and experiences some really really tough moments.

While watching this movie I cried hard and I laughed a lot ... and I was truly inspired by what Frank accomplished and for his beautiful gift of so openly sharing every detail with us.

Frank's transformation reinforces my own beliefs of the amazing capacity of the human form to heal on all levels - when the proper environment and nourishment is provided.

I highly recommend you to get a copy of this movie, watch it and share it with friends and family. It is a truly heart warming true story that touches that part within us all that knows the amazing beings we are meant to be.

Thank you Frank for committing to doing this for yourself and for sharing your story with us.

Thank you for helping to inspire others to heal.

THANK YOU for being YOU!!! Keep shining your light and encouraging others to do the same.

Love to You Frank and to every single person out there that wants to be healthier and wants to heal.



Comments for MAY I BE FRANK movie starring Frank Ferrante

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Jun 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

I am very happy and few points are really helpful thanks,

Nov 05, 2015
Media service
by: Lili E. Twiggs

This blog is about the movie based on real life story and character, so inspiring and helping to watch. This blog is very informative and useful to read and provide a good knowledge about the movie.

Oct 16, 2015
by: Anonymous

Yes i am agree with you guys Making Healthy choice is an great website where you can find a lot of tips and choose healthy foods for your self and your family also.

Oct 01, 2015
Film Production
by: Raymond N. Johnson

Frank Ferrante pictured his life story in a movie MAY I BE FRANK. It is a great movie with an excellent story like the man on which it is based. Frank is a very humorous and humble person and watching his life story is going to be a good experience.

Oct 01, 2015
by: john

It is delightful to read this post and i get much useful point through this post. Please keep posting such kind of post

Sep 29, 2015
by: Anonymous

Making Healthy choice is an great website where you can find a lot of tips and guidelines to be healthy and choose healthy foods for your self and your family also.

Jan 29, 2013
by: Anonymous

Frank is great... a real inspiration! I highly recommend seeing him if he is speaking in your town.

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