RAW CHOCOLATE - Spicy Kisses

by Anna
(Koh Samui, Thailand)

Love on a Plate

Love on a Plate

Dearest Nadia,

only because it is you..... :-)


  • raw cashew nuts-100g
  • raw cacao beans-100g
  • 3-4 tbsp of good honey (depending how sweet your tooth is :-)
  • 2 tbsp of fine cocoa powder
  • spices - cinnamon powder, cayenne pepper, cardamom seeds(black only)
As Nadia mentioned the first ingredient is LOVE... that is if we really want to create something amazing... making things with no love is a waste of time :-)

So get your loving together, put on great music and a smile on your face, wash your hands and get ready to create one of the most delicious things you ever tasted... Excited???? You should be :-)

Chocolate is something we all think we know about.... well, we know how it tastes, we know that we love it and never have enough of it, we know it has a happy hormone - anandamide :-)

But when you make it, you need to know this- chocolate is very jealous, it does not want you to make or cook or touch anything else while you are engaged with it.. It wants all your attention to itself. So...... stop cooking , chopping and touching other things in the kitchen.. Devote 30 minutes to your CHOCOLATE CREATION and you will be rewarded...


1 Soak the cashews in good water, you might experiment later and try orange juice, rose water, etc..now it is water!!! Let them be for 20-30 minutes. After that put them to dry a little on a paper towel.

2 Peel about 10-15 cardamom pods, only use the black seeds that look healthy, yellow dry seeds are not welcome here :-)

3 Mix the cardamom seeds with the cacao beans and grind them together!!! I use my coffee grinder. Leave aside.

4 Get a hand blender and fill it up with cashews, add honey and blend... blend again.. and again until you have this creamy sticky sweet scented mass. Please refrain from licking your fingers while making chocolate, it is not polite :-) I know it is very tempting, use a spoon!

5 Place the cashew-honey cream in a large bowl, begin to add the cardamom chocolate powder, slowly, bit by bit so you can be in control of the consistency....mainly it will depend on how runny your honey is! and how wet the cashews are! Be aware of those two factors...

6 Mix in a pinch of cinnamon powder and add then the cayenne pepper last, just a hint!!! Be careful not to overdo it... unless you are a really hot spice lover :-) and can handle it... But again, you are not planning to eat it all by yourself... Are you????

7 Mix the chocolate mass very well, making sure that all ingredients are well distributed.... Let it cool in a fridge for 10-15 minutes.

LAST FINAL STEP...................... if you got there and have not eaten that delicious raw cacao cream :-)

Form a little truffle or a long log like shape (usually 2 inches long), roll in your palms, squash it between your right thumb and middle finger, roll it in a cocoa powder... and here it is - your SPICY KISS!!!!!

Enjoy, love and share.........................

For more raw, vegan, healthy chocolate recipes, click here.

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Jun 26, 2011
Amazing Raw Chocolate Recipe!!
by: Nadia (site author)

Thank You Beautiful Anna!!!!!!!

When I was living in Koh Samui, it was always such a treat when Anna would make these. Of all her creations, these spicy kisses were always my favourite!

Some mornings I would wake up and find that Anna had left some of these gorgeous delights in my fridge for me. Was like eating PURE LOVE!

I am so honoured that you have shared your recipe on this site. It is a magical sweet treat that I know I will enjoy and know that many others will too!

Thank You Anna - you Gorgeous Angel!

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